Postal Stamp Image |
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Stamp Issue Date |
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15/09/1976 |
Postage Stamp Dinomination |
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0.25 |
Postal Stamp Serial Number |
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0822 |
Postal Stamp Name |
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Stamp Information |
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Sarat Chandra Chatterji, one of thee greatest writers India has produced, was born on September 15, 1876 at DEbanandapur in Hooghly district. He spent his boyhod and youth at Bhagalpur. Sarat Chandra pased the Enterance Examination in 1894 but could not appear at the next higher examination as he could not pay the examination fees. For a while he wandered in the guise of a 'Sanyasi'. In In 1903 he went to Burma here he secured the job of a clerk in the office of the Examiner of Accounts.
Sarat Chandra had begun to rite hen he as barely 19 but his earliest works were lost to oblivion. Some of his early orks that survived and brought him fame later ere first published in a maanuscript maagazine, "Alo" (re-named "Chhaya"). One of his early orks 'Baradidi' which was serialised in a leading magazine "Bharati" became immensely popular. The story 'Ramer Sumati' which he rote from Rangoon created a sensation and readers in Bengal realised that they had a ne literary genius in their midst.
WWhen Sarat Chandra's reputation as a writer got firmly established in Bengal, his friends urged him to resign his job at Rangoon and adopt literarture as a profession. He returned to Calcutta, a novelist by profession. After living in Baje-Shibpur, Sarat Chandra Chatterji mooved to Samta Ber in Howrah district where he lived in peace and security. His long struggle with poverty was over and he was back amongst his own people. There was a ceaseless flow of stories and novels from his pen.
Sarat Chandra Chatterji became one of the most distinfguished writers of India. Some of his great works are 'Palli Samaj', 'Cahritraheen', 'Shesh Prashna', 'Pather Dabi', 'Debdas' and 'Shrikanta' in four parts. Many of his works have been translated into various languages. He poured into his novels and stories the varied experience he had gathered in differenr parts of India and Burma. The most remarkable qualities of Sarat Chandra's art are directness and a sense of intimacy. His descriptions of rural life, of human joy and ssuffering appear to have been drawn from first-hand knowledge. He excelled in depiction of the plight of the dontrodden and the intricate feelings and emotions of the women folk. The language of his novels is seet, lucid and apealing to human heart.
Apart from his literary ork, the contribution of Sarat Chandra Chatterji to society at large as no small achievement. He extended his sympathy nd help to the suffering masses, to their needs and wants. He joined the 'Swaraj Movement' of the Indian National Congress, but at the same time he had full sympathy for the revolutionaries.
Sarat Chandra Chatterji passed aay on January 16, 1938 after a prolonged illness, deeply mourned by his countrymen.
The Posts and Telegraphs Department feels privileged to bring out a special postage stamp in honour of this great son of India. |
Stamp Currency |
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P |
Stamp Type |
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Stamp Language |
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English |
Stamp Overall Size |
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3.91 X 2.90 cms |
Postal Stamp Print Size |
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3.56 x 2.5 cms. |
Number of Stamps Per Sheet |
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35 |
Stamp Perforations |
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13 x 13 |
Postal Stamp Shape |
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Vertical |
Postage Stamp Paper |
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Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper |
Indian Stamp Process |
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Photogravure |
Number of stamps printed |
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30,00,000 |
Stamp Printed At |
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India Security Press |
Indian Stamp's Color |
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Plum |